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This Cheat Sheet is to show the top Counters for Raid Bosses
This cheat sheet is to provide a single stop for Raid infromation. Listed here are a brief highlevel explanation of Eggs and a list of Raid Bosses and their 3 counters.
Egg Explanation
When a raid begins an Egg will appear above the gym. This is meant to be the Egg housing the Raid Boss. Based off the Raid Color and number of Raid Icons you can tell what level the Raid boss will be.
- Red Egg - Level 1 and 2 ~CP 4k to 6k
- Gold Egg - Level 3 and 4 ~ CP10k to 40k
- Legendary Egg - Level 5
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Below are two sections on how to defeat by the Raid Boss. We have the sections broken up between Legendary and Non-Legendary.
How to Beat Legendary Raids
In Aphlabetical order.
How to beat and catch Entei (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Ho-Oh (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Mew? (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Mewtwo (Click On Picture)
How to beat and catch Moltres (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Lugia (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Raikou (Click on picture)
How to beat and catch Suicune (Click on Picture)
How to beat and catch Zapdos (Click on Picture)
Bosses and Top 3 Counters:
This list is meant to be all KILLER no FILLER no pontifications here just facts. Toylab Bloggers have used multiple sites that crunch math as well as personal experience to determine this list of top counters. Note that high CP boss can still crush you even if you have the perfect counter.
The game will auto pick some generally good picks but these picks below are totally battle tested. If you have a High CP Pokemon that is below I would manually pick it over what the game will select for you.
(In Alphabetical Order)
Top Counters of Alakazam:
- Tyranitar (Bite, Crunch, Stone Edge)
- Houndoom (Snarl, Foul Play, Crunch
- Scizor (Fury Cutter, X-Scissor)
Top Counters of Arcanine:
- Rhydon (Mudslap, Earthquake)
- Golem (Rock Throw, Mudslap, Stone Edge, Earthquake)
- Donphan (Tackle, Earthquake)
Note the lack of Water Pokemon here is due to Arcanine's Special Move called Wild Charge that is a powerful electric type move. Not all Arcanine have this move but the ones that do will destroy water pokemon.
Top counters for Blastoise:
- Jolteon (Thundershock, Thunderbolt, Thunder)
- Magneton (Spark, Charge Beam, Zap Cannon)
- Plant Pokemon with Solar Beam! (Includes Paras, Venusaur, WheepingBell, Exegguctor and others)
Top Counters of Blissey:
- Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch)
- Heracross (Counter, Close Combat)
- Alakazam (Confusion, Focus Blast)
- Dragonite (Dragon Tail, Outrate)
- Flareon (Fire Spin, Overheat)
- Exeggutor (Confusion, Solar Beam)
Top Counters to Charizard:
- Golem (Rock Throw, Stone Edge)
- Omastar (Water Gun, Hydro Pump)
- Tyranitar (Bite Stone Edge)
Top Counters for Gengar:
- Alakazam (Confusion, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Pyschic)
- Espeon (Confusion, Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Psychic)
- Tyranitar (Bite, Crunch)
- Dragonite (Dragone Tail, Outrage)
Top Counters of Lapras:
- Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch, Close Combat)
- Heracross (Counter, Close Combat)
- Jolteon (Thundershock, Thunderbolt, Thunder)
- Arcanine (Fire Fang, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Wild Charge)
Top counters for Machamp:
- Alakazam (Confusion, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Psychic)
- Espeon (Confusion, Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Psychic)
- Dragonite (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
- Charizard (Airslash, Overheat, Fireblast)
- Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch, Close Combat)
- Heracross (Counter, Close Combat)
- Tyranitar (Bite, Crunch, Stone Edge)
- Charizards (All versions execpt move sets with Dragon Claw)
- Typhlosion (Ember, Overheat, Fireblast)
- Psychic Pokemon with moves Psycho Cut, Confusion, Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Psychic includes Espeon, Alakazam and even Snorlax.
Best Counters for Tyranitar include:
- Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch, Close Combat)
- Heracross (Counter, Close Combat)
- Vaporeon, Feraligatr (Or other Water Pokemon with Water Gun, Hydro Pump)
- Venusaur, Exeggucutor or anything with Solar Beam.
Raid Beacons:
A Raid Beacon lets other players known you are going to a Raid. It also lets you see Raids being targeted by other players so you can cordinate an attack on Raids. You can find the Raid Beacon set up on the link below:
Silph Radio (Raid Beacons)
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