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If there's one thing that's consistent in the Arrowverse, it's that change is inevitable. However, despite the nature of this universe's tales being based on pre-existing material, what is still to come is still not set in stone. So today, we look at the ten best theories of what is to happen in the future of the Arrowverse.

Now usually on my blog and YouTube channel, I choose to talk just about stories that have past and not speculation on what may come in the future, since any speculation on future events will become ridiculous to look at after those events have come. However with the Arrowverse, I plan to make an exception. For one, the TV stories set in this universe are based on stories that have been written in the past. And for another: I actually think it'll be interesting years from now for people to look back at this and see how many of these fan theories back in December 2017 actually occurred or not. And if any of them do, I get bragging rights. Now, these theories will be in chronological order of when I think they'll happen, not the order of what I think is more likely. And just to be clear: this will indeed be a list of my theories on what will happen with the Arrowverse. Some of these theories are inspired by or similar to other fan theories, but that's only because I like many other comic book fans have looked at the same source material. And so... here we go.

1. The Flash's Time Traveling Grandson Shows Up - For those that don't know, in the comics: Barry Allen has a grandson from the future named Bart Allen, who like Barry is a speedster that can time travel. Since Barry and Iris are married now, it's very probable that they will have kids one day. And what better intro to Bart Allen could you have if when right when Iris tells Barry that she's pregnant and he's going to be a father, then Bart Allen showing up and saying that he's also already a grandfather. The comedic possibilities of Barry's time traveling grandson interacting with the main characters of the series are endless, along with the dramatic possibilities as well. Imagine how Joe would freak out and then eventually cry over getting to live to see his own great grandson. Imagine Cisco asking Bart for spoilers on all his favorite TV shows. Imagine Barry and Bart having a team up battle against a super villain. If this doesn't happen, many fans will definitely be left disappointed.

2. Black Lightning's First Crossover - At this point: the Black Lightning series hasn't aired yet, nor has there been any word on potential crossovers. It seems that unlike Legends of Tomorrow or the Flash, Black Lightning seems to be choosing to establish itself as it's own thing first and foremost. However with the series airing on the CW (and super hero crossovers on that channel being huge ratings winners), it seems more than likely that it'll be a part of a crossover at some point. It's dark tone could easily see itself crossing over with Arrow, or if the show exists in another reality: a crossover with the Flash would seem likely. However, a more creative crossover could be the Legends of Tomorrow having a time travel adventure where they meet Black Lightning years ago in the past when he was younger (since the promos establish him as being a former super hero). It could be a great way to create a prequel story of sorts and still be a crossover without having to interrupt the ongoing narrative the new show has during it's first season. And if the show continues for a second season, then it would be a perfect time to bring Black Lightning into a more traditional crossover story, such as the next mega crossover that'll hopefully come in fall 2018.

3. The Barry Allens of Two Worlds Meet - Barry Allen of the Arrowverse meets the Barry Allen of the DCEU (that's the DC Comics Movie Universe that includes the recent Justice League film). This must happen! DC Comics has got two actors playing the Flash under contract right now, so it is likely. Now that the movie Flash has been established in one movie finally, it's easy to envision Warner Brothers in an attempt to promote the next film that the new movie Flash appears in, has him show up in an episode of the Flash TV series. Just imagine Barry Allen meeting another Barry Allen who is very much like him, but still different. Seeing Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller work off each other would be fantastic, as they're already great working off other super hero actors. And perhaps movie Flash could learn an important lesson from TV series Flash right before he heads off to an important battle that continues right into the beginning of his next movie. It could happen, and if it did: it be awesome.

4. The Legends of Tomorrow Encounter Hypertime - Now in Legends of Tomorrow, the heroes are always trying to fix the timeline. But in DC Comics years ago, the concept of multiple timelines being connected was introduced. The idea being that rather than traveling to alternate Earths, one Earth can have an event that has all of it's multiple outcomes co-exist. Hypertime is basically like a tree with multiple branches. Usually people can only exist within one branch, but what if you could jump to another? Meaning: what if the Legends of Tomorrow broke through Hypertime and found themselves having to save alternate histories. They would have to do this because if they don't keep these alternate timelines within Hypertime intact, they could unravel and crash into the main timeline destroying it. Imagine the Legends now having to screw up history such as helping the United States lose the Revolutionary War, break up famous rock bands, and prevent famous peace treaties from happening. And what if along the way, they mess up at messing up. The comedic possibilities are endless and it be a great classic DC comics concept to finally use on television.

5. Batman and Wonder Woman Appear - Now yeah, this is what everyone wants. But it could indeed happen. For one: direct references to Bruce Wayne existing in the Arrowverse have already occurred in Arrow, and Wonder Woman's homeland was already visited once in Legends of Tomorrow. Now some people think this may not occur since DC Comics has this weird thing with only having one live action version of their famous heroes existing at one time. But here's the thing: we now have two live action versions of the Flash, and a TV version of Superman has now shown up multiple times on Supergirl. It seems that DC is starting to become more loose with their old policy. Now some people say that Batman can't show up in the Arrowverse since Batman related characters are exclusive to Fox's Gotham for now. However, that show can't last forever. And when it ends, it's easy to see Batman showing up with Wonder Woman next to him. And with a TV Superman already established, we'll finally have the super hero trinity together. But it won't be just for fan service. Considering how strong the trinity is, it could cause the long established Arrowverse heroes to feel inferior. However when the trinity is in trouble, our favorite TV heroes step up and prove that they are just as effective as the world's finest. Now that would be awesome.

6. Arrow Will Continue Beyond It's Series -
Arrow being the longest running TV series in the Arrowverse, it's sadly likely that it'll be the first show to eventually reach it's end. However it's very likely that this won't be the end of Arrow's story. When it does, it's very easy to see all of the actors and characters either moving onto the other shows or occasionally guest starring in them. Mister Terrific and Wild Dog could make neat additions in
Legends of Tomorrow. John Diggle and his wife could occasionally help out Team Flash through their connections at Argus. Felicity could also bring some great recurring tech support to Team Flash as well. And of course: Oliver could be a fantastic ally to the Flash in some episodes (but just
some as it's not
his show). We could even have Oliver who is in a soul searching mood get sent by Cisco to explore a new world for awhile and have a crossover with Supergirl. And then he could team up with the Legends of Tomorrow. He could do a whole Arrowverse tour story arc across all the shows. Needless to say that if
Arrow ever ends, don't fret fans. The story will indeed continue.

7. Other Live Action DC Shows Will Be Revisited - With the Flash visiting many other Earths with countless possibilities, why not the possibility of visiting other live action DC Comics based TV shows? It makes sense. In the silver age of comics: the concept of visiting another established era of comics occurred with the Flash of Two Worlds story. Ironically, this was mirrored in spirit when the Flash first crossed over with Supergirl. Two worlds: now connected. Then this was eventually followed up with the heroes of two worlds fighting evil versions of themselves from a very dark world, which was mirrored in spirit by the recent Crisis on Earth X crossover. But years after that: DC Comics eventually had their heroes team up with characters from other comics that had ended that were bought from other companies. This could be mirrored with the Arrowverse characters crossing with comic based heroes from TV series that have already ended. Such as Smallville, Lois and Clark, or the 90's Flash TV series. Sure, people who had only recently got into super hero shows would be confused. But considering how crazy and high concept Legends of Tomorrow and the Flash have gotten with their multiverse stories, it's easy to eventually see it happening. And perhaps if it works, they could eventually hire lookalike actors to re-create even older DC television universes such as the the 1950's Superman series or 1970's Wonder Woman series. It be crazy... but it be awesome. And speaking of crazy crossovers, let's move onto...

8. A Crossover with Looney Tunes - Now a crossover with this universe must seem unlikely but here's the thing. Warner Brothers which owns Looney Tunes also owns DC Comics. And they have had crossovers before, both in the comics and in Looney Tunes based cartoons. But what if in an episode of the Flash, Barry runs so fast that he breaks past the farthest reaches of the multiverse and lands him and his fellow heroes and friends in the Looney Tunes universe. It could happen. The Flash seems to get sillier and sillier with each passing season, and long standing fantasy shows do have a knack of getting wackier with occasional one off episodes the longer their shows last. But imagine the possibilities. Pepe Le Pew gets attracted to Supergirl. Daffy Duck and Cisco have a fun night on the town. Elmer Fudd tries to get Joe to help him hunt Bugs Bunny. And of course: Speedy Gonzalez, the Road Runner, and the Flash team up to fight a bad guy; with the Flash using cartoon physics to help him out. This really needs to happen one day.

9. The Flash Series Finale Will Be Crisis on Infinite Earths - Probably the most popular fan theory is that the Flash will eventually have a story that mirror's DC Comics epic comic tale: Crisis on Infinite Earths. But why will this tale be the series finale? Well since episode one of the series, there's been this future newspaper the characters have had that seems to indicate that Barry will partake in a Crisis on Infinite Earths style event. And it does constantly feel like the series is eventually leading to this type of event, with each major event involving chaos in the multiverse related to the Arrowverse getting bigger and bigger with each passing year. But the date is important to note: that being April 2024. And if you do the math, if the Flash reaches season 10 (and continues to be aired in the same way it currently is now) that would be around the time season 10 would reach it's finale. And ten seasons is a nice round number to end things on, and it would bring everything full circle with the first episode. However if the Flash series doesn't make it to season 10, there are two things that can still happen. One: have the final episode simply flash forward to April 2024. Or have the Crisis event happen on another Arrowverse show that's still on as part of a fun crossover. The writers behind these shows would undoubtedly not leave us hanging. And speaking of the crisis, lets move onto our last theory....

10. The Arrowverse Will Eventually Be Rebooted - This theory may seem like the craziest, but with Crisis on Infinite Earths being hinted at since the first episode of the Flash, it's easy to foresee the effects that event had in the comics also happening in the Arrowverse. For those that don't know: Crisis on Infinite Earths was a major comics event that led to all of the books by DC Comics getting rebooted. However before the reboot: they didn't end the majority of their characters. Many were still around looking the same when the crisis was over. For example: the Batman and Superman comics and characters continued to exist after the crisis like nothing had happened. But then they eventually took a break to stop and tell you the brand new fleshed out origins and back stories on the characters. Thus, if you had just started reading DC Comics before Crisis: everything felt like it was continuing but with just a short break to tell you the origin stories you hadn't seen before. But for long time readers: the new origin stories were what marked the beginning of the new continuity. This could easily happen just the same in the Arrowverse. When the aforementioned Flash series finale story happens, like the crisis story in the comics: Barry and the other heroes could become part of an event that reboots and creates a whole new universe.

However after the crisis is over, it's still the present day and everyone that's present's new memories of the last few days before the crisis are identical to what literally happened before the crisis. However, their memories of many years ago are now changed. For example: some established heroes would now be erased from reality but could now be brought back with new actors and takes for them. This way: any new recently created TV show made for the Arrowverse could continue unaffected, but perhaps now they could bring in a version of the Suicide Squad that's not the same as they appeared on Arrow. You could still bring back fan favorite actors, but you could recast as needed, and just use the crisis as the excuse for why they're different. Plus: perhaps years after the shows end - this could be a great excuse to create new TV versions of the Flash and Arrow with new actors and different takes on their stories. But then when the new version of the Flash discovers the multiverse, he eventually meets the previous version of the Flash (played by Grant Gustin) who establishes that this new universe was indeed created by the events of the finale of his series (similar to when the original comic book Superman returned to meet modern comic book Superman in the story: Infinite Crisis). And then similar to DC Comics' Convergence story-line, we learn that a big old area of the old Arrowverse is still around but just continuing on separate from the new one. And thus: we'd have a true Flash of Two Worlds tale just like in the classic comics when the Flash of one era met an established Flash of another, and began to have many adventures together. Thus, bringing everything full circle. It might happen... or it might not. It's just a theory... but it could one day end up being... reality.
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