Men at Work

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Streaming Movie-***DISCLAIMER*** The following review is entirely my opinion. If you comment (which I encourage you to do) be respectful. If you don't agree with my opinion (or other commenters), that's fine. To each their own. These reviews are not meant to be statements of facts or endorsements, I am just sharing my opinions and my perspective when watching the film and is not meant to reflect how these films should be viewed. Finally, the reviews are given on a scale of 0-5. 0, of course, being unwatchable. 1, being terrible. 2, being not great. 3, being okay. 4, being great and 5, being epic! And if you enjoy these reviews feel free to share them and follow the blog or follow me on Twitter (@RevRonster) for links to my reviews and the occasional live-Tweet session of the movie I'm watching!  I was hoping to hear "Down Under" but, as it turns out, this isn't about the band Men at Work.

Men at Work – 2 out of 5

It seems like lately I’ve been revisiting a whole lot of films from the 90s and, well, that’s because I am.  There’s no real reason for it.  That’s just the way the Tetris pieces have been falling lately.  The latest I’m revisiting is a film I’ve only seen once and I’m fairly certain I never watched it to its completion.  It’s the Emilio Estevez written and directed feature from 1990 starring him and his brother; Charlie Sheen, called Men at Work.  After watching it, I’ve realized why I never watched this from beginning to end.  It’s not very good or entertaining.

Their routes must be incredibly slow if they have the time to go through everyone's

Carl Taylor (Sheen) and James St. James (Estevez) are two garbage men with big dreams of owning their own surf shop.  However, they just can’t seem to stay out of trouble at their job and their boss sends a man named Louis Fedders (Keith David) to keep an eye on them.  While on the job, the three men discover the discarded corpse of mayoral candidate Jack Berger (Darrell Larson).  Little do the men know is they just stumbled into a mess involving corruption and illegal toxic waste dumping.

The 90s, where we at least pretended to care about toxic waste being tossed.

Right off the bat, the story feels overly familiar as it is essentially about some ordinary guys who get caught up in an extraordinary situation.  The only real difference this one offers is that it involves garbage men who want to own a surf shop and toxic waste.  That being said, because the premise is a tad on the generic and cliché side doesn’t mean that it can’t work.  This movie could have been something entertaining and decent but it was hampered immensely by jokes that always felt like they were falling flat and characters that weren’t just uninteresting but were utterly unlikable.  Add in other issues like a dragging narrative, a weak B-story and an antagonist that is both unthreatening and barely in the film and it resulted in a feature that only escapes with a single worthy element.

Sorry guys, this movie was...wait for it...garbage!
That's right, I criticize a movie with bad jokes with bad jokes.

The most distracting element of this film and the thing that really kept me from getting absorbed into the feature is the fact that neither Carl nor James are very good people.  Both of them are kinda assholes and Estevez’s writing and the two’s performances can’t quite get the right balance of making them charming scumbags.  It’s very possible to have a character that is both loathsome and fun to watch as they border on likeable (Danny McBride is a genius at doing this) but Carl and James just come off as dicks.  To make matters worse, Carl is presented as a creeper as he watches his neighbors through binoculars several times and this is never once called out as disgusting behavior.  The movie presents it as okay rather than the actions of a perverted deviant.  In the end, Carl is too gross of a dude to enjoy and James just came off like an asshat with an attitude—and at that level they remained as their characters give no real sign of development or evolution.

Who would have thought a Peeping Tom character would lack the charm to
be likable?

Another big problem with the characters is the usage of antagonist Maxwell Potterdam III (played by John Getz).  The character is a businessman behind the dumping of the toxic waste and is responsible for the death of the mayoral candidate.  The big problem comes in the fact that Getz is better at playing a scuzzy dude who is gross and degrading to women type of villain and isn’t really that convincing as a corporate scumbag/Captain Planet villain.  This is only made worse when it is realized he doesn’t get much screen time in order to try and sell his villainess behavior and, therefore, makes the film feel like he isn’t really a matter of conflict.  This makes the story mostly about the two garbage guys trying to get rid of a dead body and get into some shenanigans that feel like deleted scenes from Weekend at Bernie’s.

Getz does play a great douche bag...just not in this film.

There is one thing I did enjoy in this movie and it is Keith David.  David is just a really talented dude and it’s always a joy to see him when he’s in a film.  In this otherwise completely forgettable feature, he makes the worst scenes decent and watchable.  He is able to take the flat jokes and make them somewhat functional and bearable.  All by himself, David makes the film watchable and takes something that is otherwise a chore something I could sit through.  When he’s not around in the story, however, its something very different and it was hard not to grab my phone and scroll around on Twitter or Facebook.

Keith David is probably one of the coolest dudes ever.  I mean, have you seen
the They Live fight scene?!?

Men at Work is a fairly generic film that didn’t really do anything unique and wasn’t really that funny.  Combine it with two unlikable characters that don’t play well in 2018 and an antagonist that felt poorly developed and underutilized, it made for a feature that was pretty boring.  Even its attempt to bring in a B-story that involve a prank war with another set of garbage men felt tiresome and wasn't really doing the movie any favors.  I really liked Keith David in his role and that saved it from having a lower score but, overall, I just didn’t care for this film.

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