'Tinsel' Season 10 Episode 2245 Recap - Aired: Monday 26 February 2018

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Bimpe is at Reel for her reading.
She reads to the director and producer.
The director tells her she's not the right fit for the role but they will get in touch with her.

At the Ade Williams' residence, Sheila tells Brenda that it's not a good time.
Brenda says she has a right to see her sister.
Monica, with tears in her eyes, shouts at Brenda to leave.
Brenda apologises for causing her any pain and says she will call before showing up next time.

Cleo comes home with Bimpe and asks if the reading was bad.
Bimpe says it was awful and she can feel it in her bones.
Cleo asks if they gave her negative feedback.
Bimpe says maybe she didn't do enough.
Cleo tells her not to be unkind to herself.
She suggests they go to Ziggy's so Bimpe can snap out of her foul mood.

The new Chief Operating Officer from Invest Africana comes to see Brenda 
Brenda says she's not happy with him being there.
He says he wasn't expecting such a welcome.
She asks what he was expecting.
He asks her to show him to his office.
She says they were hoping he wouldn't show up and didn't prepare an office for him.
He asks what the plan is.
She ignores him and starts looking through her files.
He picks up a file from her table and starts going through it.
She asks what he's doing.
He ignores her.
Brenda calls Queen to show him to his office.
He tells Brenda that he thinks he would enjoy working there.

Ego comes to see Amaka at work.
She asks how Monica is doing.
Amaka says Sheila let Monica stay home and Monica is struggling.
Ego says as long as Monica gets better in the end.

The new Chief Operating Officer, Mr Deeko is regaling the Phoenix Prime staff with funny stories and they are all laughing 
Brenda comes in to break up the party.

Cleo and Bimpe are in Ziggy's but Bimpe is still in a foul mood.
Frank asks Bimpe what's wrong.
Bimpe says she went for an audition and she's waiting for them to get back to her.
Frank assures her that something will work out.

The producer at Reel calls Bimpe on the phone and invites her back to Reel.
She leaves with Cleo.

St John tells Monica that she didn't expect her to stand up to Brenda like that.
Monica says she didn't like how Brenda barged in, especially as she never got along with their father.
St John tells her that Brenda has become more of an ally to the family now.
Monica says she has some catching up to do.

Brenda hands some files to her receptionist, Queen and instructs her to make some phone calls to the companies on the list to arrange a meeting with them.
She also tells Queen to be wary of Mr Deeko and to report all his activities to her.

Laide comes to see Amaka at work.
Amaka asks what Monica said to Brenda when she came to see her.
Laide says nothing serious happened.
Amaka says something must have happened.
Laide says she's tired of Amaka's plan to put Monica away and she thinks they should drop it.

Queen returns to see Brenda and gives her the bad news that she was unable to book a meeting with any of the companies because they all claimed to be too busy to meet with Brenda.
Brenda tells her to stay while she shows her how it's done.

Brenda makes a call to one company and asks to arrange a meeting to see the CEO.
The receptionist tells her that as long as she's from Phoenix Prime, the CEO will be too busy to see her.

Bimpe is back at Reel Studios.
The director, producer and Laide are sitting in front of her.
The director gives her a script.
Bimpe is nervous 
Laide tells her to relax.
Bimpe tries again without looking at the script.
She gives a stellar performance.

Brenda is still making phone calls to other companies.
She gets the same response of the CEOs not being disposed to meeting with her.
She is finally able to successfully arrange one meeting.

Sheila is at the spa.
A lady comes into her office and introduces herself as a member of the NGO that backed Yaya up when she claimed to be assaulted.
Sheila says Yaya is not in the country.
The lady says they've been following Monica's story and want her to be one of their ambassadors.

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