Shina and Sho come to Ziggy's.
Shina asks Sho if she respects him at all.
She asks why.
He asks why she hasn't gone to Reel studios to help him get his job back.
Sho laughs then asks if he's serious.
He tells her she's the star of the show.
She tells him to ask his sister who is the bigger star.
He begs her to just tell them that she will quit if they don't hire him back.
The employee gives Amaka some water to drink.
Amaka regains her composure then laughs and asks how her acting was.
The employee is confused.
Amaka tells her not to mention it to anyone because it was an acting experiment she was carrying out.
The employee tells her she acted well.
Amaka tells her to cancel her meetings for the rest of the day.
The employee leaves and Amaka heaves a sigh of relief.
Shoshanna is at Salewa's place.
She's on the phone with Salewa telling her about Shina.
She complains she doesn't want to lose her job.
Maami walks in and tells Shoshanna that she overheard the entire conversation on the phone.
She encourages her to sacrifice all for her relationship.
Sho says she can't throw her life away for a relationship.
Maami asks if she wants to be like Titi who has everything but no husband.
Brenda is in her office.
The receptionist informs her that Joanne's lawyer has come to see her.
Brenda tells her to wait for a minute before allowing her in.
Serena comes to inform Brenda that then need to go for visiting day.
Brenda says she will join her soon.
The lawyer comes in.
Brenda says Joanne hasn't been picking her calls.
The lawyer says Joanne would no longer deal with Brenda directly over the loan.
Brenda receives a text message from Joanne to the effect, asking her to deal with the lawyer instead.
Sheila is at Dikibo's place.
She complains that what Amaka did with Bright was wrong.
Dikibo says he has sent Bright back to Port Harcourt.
He asks if Sheila can't resolve the issue with Monica.
Sheila says not after Monica tried to hurt Freddie.
Dikibo says he will testify in court on Monica's behalf.
He apologises for his outburst at Sheila's place.
Brenda and Serena are at the hospital to see Vicky.
Vicky thanks them for coming and says it's a good thing they're covered by insurance.
Brenda fidgets.
Serena is watching her.
Shoshanna meets Bimpe on set.
She asks who Bimpe spoke to about Shina's job so she can try to help him get his job back.
Bimpe asks how she wants to do it.
Shoshanna says she will threaten to quit.
Bimpe says Sho is too small to pull such a stunt because she will get blacklisted and she can't put her life on hold for Shina.
Amaka comes home.
She asks where Tochi is.
Hope says she's going to pick Tochi up now.
Amaka says Hope is an hour late.
Hope says she's not and this is the time she usually picks him up.
Amaka says Hope is calling her a liar so she should go and pack her things and leave.
Hope is shocked.
Amaka says Hope wants to kidnap her child.
Hope goes upstairs, confused.
Amaka calls the school to inform them that Tochi shouldn't be allowed to leave with anyone but her.
Sheila is back home
St. John tells her to stop agonising over something she has no control over.
Joanne comes to visit.
St. John tells her to talk to her friend.
Joanne tells Sheila that she has done a lot for the family but she can't lead anyone if she doesn't know where she's going and she can't save anyone who doesn't need saving.
Charles comes to see Brenda at work.
He says he heard about the fire.
Brenda tries to downplay the issue.
She informs him that Vicky is in the hospital for smoke inhalation.
He is surprised.
She gives him the address of the hospital.
Dr. Peters calls Monica on the phone.
Monica apologises to him.
He tells her that he understands she was desperate and it won't count against evaluation her, so she can take her mind off it.
Monica thanks him.
The insurance claims officer comes to Phoenix Prime.
Serena tells him she wants to take out an insurance policy.
He tells her they will need to have a lengthy conversation.
Serena asks for his card then.
Brenda walks in and tells the officer to go and wait in her office.
When he leaves, Brenda asks Serena what she was doing.
Serena says she was trying to find out about getting an insurance policy.
Brenda tells her to forget him and find another insurance company.
Ene and Chuks are home.
Chuks asks about Ibuzor.
Ene says be told her to prepare the ingredients for soup before he gets there.
Brenda is in her office.
She shouts at the insurance officer to leave.
He tells her that all eyes are on them and they might be in trouble now.
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