Bimpe is at home, drowning her sorrows in a cup of ice cream.
Cleo comes to see her.
Bimpe says Cleo is her only friend.
Cleo snatches the cup of ice cream from Bimpe's hands and asks if she wants to get fat.
Bimpe says Cleo is no longer her friend and she has no more friends.
Cleo gives her back the ice cream.
Bimpe says she wants Pippa's cupcakes to go with the ice cream
Cleo refuses.
Bimpe starts crying.
Pippa orders for the cupcakes.
Brenda is in the hotel room with Monica.
She tells Monica to get a grip on herself then invites her to her place.
Monica declines the offer, saying she needs to prove she can take care of herself.
Brenda says they need to be able to prove that she's mentally stable in court.
She suggests they buy the psychiatrist's loyalty.
Monica asks if it's a bribe.
Shina returns home to see a depressed looking Bimpe.
Bimpe says she thinks she will use her scar as an excuse not to do the movie.
Shina tells her to show it to them and tell them it will take time to heal.
Bimpe calls him a genius.
Pippa arrives with the cupcakes.
Bimpe receives her with excitement.
Monica asks if Brenda wants her to bribe the psychiatrist.
Brenda says Monica already said the odds are against her.
Monica says she will pass the evaluation and won't bribe anyone.
Brenda tells her not to allow her worry to show in court.
Monica says she will be fine.
She says she wants to be alone.
Brenda takes the hint and leaves.
Brenda returns home to meet Kwame with John.
Serena comes to visit.
Brenda asks how Alexis is doing.
Serena says she's fine and Zane is fine too.
Brenda says she wasn't asking.
Serena asks why Brenda cancelled production.
Brenda says she knows that's the real reason Serena came.
Serena says it's not a wise decision.
Brenda says she knows what she's doing so Serena should drop the issue.
Serena leaves.
Sankey is at work with a client.
When the client leaves, Justin comes to visit.
Justin asks if she's not coming with him on the trip.
Sankey says she's going with him.
He hugs her.
Bimpe calls Shoshanna on the phone to ask if she can do special effects makeup.
Sho says she can recommend someone.
The Okochas are in Brenda's office complaining about the shut down on production.
Brenda begs them to wait a couple of weeks.
They tell her they can't wait that long.
Brenda begs them for some time to work something out.
Mr. Okocha says they will wait for one week.
Freddie is in Sheila's house.
Sheila begs him to return home so it will force Monica to come back.
Freddie says he can't do that and didn't even tell his mother that he was coming over.
Sheila says she will tell the security not to allow him to leave.
St John tells Sheila to calm down.
Freddie reminds her that he has run away from home before.
Sheila says it's not his job to take care of his mother.
Freddie says it's Sheila's job.
He goes down on his knees and begs her not to lock his mother up.
He tells St. John to help him beg Sheila.
Sheila begs him to get up.
Freddie says not until Sheila agrees not to lock his mother up.
Sheila gets on her knees too and begs Freddie to help her help him and his mother.
Freddie stands up.
St. John tells Freddie that his mother needs help.
Freddie asks what will happen now.
Sheila tells him to help his mother see reason and get her to withdraw the case
Freddie says his goodbye and leaves.
Justin and Sankey are sitting in the car.
Justin tells her not to do any more jobs till they travel.
Brenda drives past them in her car and Sankey tells Justin that it's strange.
She calls Brenda on the phone.
Brenda says she's in a meeting with a client and will call when she gets back.
Bimpe meets Shoshanna at Ziggy's.
Sho introduces a guy who is a professional at special effects makeup.
His name is Gaga and he's Bimpe's fan.
Bimpe tells Shoshanna to excuse them.
The insurance claims officer meets Brenda in her car.
She tells him to back off.
He says there will be a fire whether she likes it or not.
She threatens to make him pay if there is as much as a smoke on her set.
The officer looks shaken.
Brenda orders him out of her car.
He jumps out.
Sankey is watching from a distance.
She tells Justin that Brenda is up to something.
Amaka is at Sheila's house.
She berates Sheila for allowing Freddie go.
Sheila asks what she could have done.
Laide walks in and says she can't believe Sheila is in cohorts with Amaka to bring Monica down.
Amaka says Laide had better watch it or she will ensure she leaves the house and the company, she should learn from Monica's downfall.
Sheila asks what she means by Monica's downfall.
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