Shina comes to see Aunty Abike in the hotel.
Aunty Abike asks if he brought the Amala she ordered for.
Shina gives it to her.
Bimpe walks in.
Aunty Abike asks why Shina brought her.
Bimpe says he didn't bring her but she followed him.
Aunty Abike asks if she is no longer acting nude.
Bimpe says she's working on something.
Aunty Abike says when she's done she should let her know.
She turns to face her meal.
Bimpe leaves.
Sankey and Justin return to the office.
Sankey says she needs to find out what's going on with Brenda and the insurance claims officer.
Justin asks what will happen to him.
Sankey says she can't abandon Brenda and Serena because they are her friends.
Justin says he now knows where her priorities lie.
He storms out.
Shina comes home with Damini.
Bimpe asks Damini what he has come to do.
Damini says he's sorry and wants to know how to make things right.
Bimpe tells him to leave her alone.
She walks out of the room.
Damini tells Shina that he will have to go and beg Aunty Abike to return home.
Shina tells him to wait till tomorrow because Aunty Abike is in a foul mood today.
Sheila comes to see Joanne in her office.
Joanne says she doesn't trust Amaka as she has always been vindictive, selfish and arrogant but is now less sneaky about it.
Sheila says she needs Amaka's help in dealing with Monica's situation but she now thinks she might be making a mistake.
Joanne says Sheila is making a big mistake trusting Amaka and she shouldn't blame anyone when Amaka lets her down.
Laide is having a meeting with her production team at work.
Amaka arrives late to the meeting and says she hasn't received the report.
Laide says they're in her mail.
Amaka says she remembers now and from what she read, they're one week ahead of schedule.
Laide says she's correct.
Amaka says it's not good enough and should be at least 3 weeks ahead of schedule.
Laide says they're moving at a good pace.
Amaka disagrees.
She turns to Chuks and says the costumes need a complete overhaul.
Laide says she just approved them.
Amaka says Chuks needs to redo them.
Laide tells Chuks to listen to Amaka.
She tells Amaka that they want to continue their meeting.
Amaka says she wants to sit in.
She complains about everything and says she will be in charge of the production to ensure everyone falls in line.
She looks at Laide and repeats her statement.
Laide smirks.
Serena is in Sankey's office.
Sankey says she suspects Brenda is in trouble.
Serena tells her to talk to Brenda.
Sankey says Serena should let her know if she notices anything funny in the office.
Serena says she will talk to her but she won't mention anything they discussed.
Sankey tells her to be subtle because Brenda knows how to fight all the enemies except the one that matters the most, herself.
Damini calls Chuks to ask what he can do about Bimpe.
Chuks says he has his own issues.
Damini begs him to help because Bimpe is not even talking to him again.
Chuks says he will talk to Ene and they will see what they can do.
Monica and Freddie are having drinks with the lawyer.
The lawyer says they need to prepare in case the psychiatric evaluation doesn't go their way.
Monica asks why it wouldn't go their way.
Freddie says it's just in case.
He asks the lawyer what they can do.
The lawyer says they would need to get character witnesses.
Monica says she can talk to Laide and other people at Reel.
Freddie says what if Amaka tells them not to and they fear to lose their jobs?
Monica panics and says so she has nobody?
Brenda calls Mrs. Okocha to tell her that production has resumed.
Mrs. Okocha says it's a good thing because she and her husband were already planning to attend a film festival in Paris.
Brenda says she wants them to come for a meeting.
Mrs. Okocha doesn't sound thrilled but she says okay.
Brenda tells Vicky to inform all the cast and crew.
Vicky asks if all the precautionary safety measures have been put in place.
Brenda gets upset and tells her to go and do as she's told.
Brenda is alone in her office screaming on the phone at a reporter.
She tells him there is no form of scandal at Phoenix Prime and she would sue his organisation if he writes any such negative news about her company.
Serena walks in and Brenda hangs up then complains about reporters.
She asks Serena if she wants something.
Serena asks why she changed her mind and resumed productions.
Brenda says they've wasted enough time and the Okochas already planned to travel for a film festival in Paris.
Serena asks if everything is okay.
Brenda snaps, asking why it wouldn't be.
Sheila comes to see Amaka at work.
Amaka receives her warmly.
Sheila asks if everything is okay.
Amaka asks why.
Sheila says she feels Amaka is too forceful about things like in Monica's case and she was hard on Laide too.
Amaka says Sheila is right and it's because she's been under a lot of pressure lately.
Sheila says she understands and when Amaka apologises, everything would be fine.
Amaka says she's not apologising.
Sheila says it's not a good time to go making enemies.
Amaka asks when will be a good time.
Sheila says they are family.
Amaka says whatever Sheila and Laide are cooking will fail.
Sheila asks what is wrong with her.
Amaka says she won't let them push her around.
Sheila says Amaka is the one who has decided to make enemies of the family members.
Amaka says she's more of an Ade-Williams than the rest of them will ever be.
She heads for the door, saying she has to go and pick up her son from school.
Cleo is at Bimpe's place.
She tells Bimpe to allow her to see the makeup artist.
There is a knock on the door.
Bimpe answers it.
Ene, Chuks and Damini troop in, carrying boxes of Pizza.
Bimpe sarcastically says they're her 3 best friends.
Ene says they're sorry.
Bimpe asks what they're sorry for.
Ene says for telling Chuks.
Chuks says he's sorry for telling Damini.
Damini says he's sorry for telling Aunty Abike.
Bimpe asks if they think it makes it better.
Ene says Bimpe gets unreasonable at times like these so it's best they leave with their Pizza.
Bimpe tells them to bring the pizza.
Cleo opens a box and they all help themselves.
Chuks asks for a drink.
Bimpe asks why they didn't come with any.
Sankey meets with Mr. Adesanmi at Ziggy's.
Adesanmi says his investigations haven't led to anything concrete yet.
Sankey asks if he really thinks Brenda is involved.
He says he doesn't trust her.
Sankey says Brenda made a mistake a very long time ago.
He says Sankey is allowing her friendship with Brenda blind her.
He asks if she has something to tell him.
Sankey says there is nothing.
He says if he finds out that Brenda is involved, she will be going down and Sankey is likely to go down with her.
Monica and the lawyer are in Brenda's office.
Monica says she will need character witnesses.
Brenda says she can be one.
Monica thanks her.
Brenda asks if they've spoken to the psychiatrist.
The lawyer says it's unethical to contact a court-appointed psychiatrist.
Brenda says she's sure Sheila and Co have done that.
Monica says she doesn't want to do anything wrong.
Brenda says life has taught her that nobody will give you what you deserve, you have to fight for it, whatever it takes.
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