Shoshanna is in the studio with Shina.
She tells him she has to leave.
He hugs her and tries to kiss her.
Aunty Abike walks in and they quickly break apart.
Aunty Abike asks Shina what he's doing with his time.
She asks Sho why she hasn't advised Shina to go back to school.
Sho is silent.
Aunty Abike asks what school she's in.
Sho says she's not in school.
Aunty About says so she made Shina drop out?
Shina tells her to take it easy.
The Okochas are in a meeting with Brenda.
Mr. Okocha says they can resume.
Brenda checks the schedule and tells them to shoot more scenes per day.
Mr. Okocha says it's not possible.
Damini calls Shina and begs him to come so they can go together to plead with Aunty Abike.
Shina says he can't come along.
He explains what happened with Sho and Aunty Abike.
Damini laughs and asks for the hotel address so he can go by himself.
The lawyer comes to see Brenda in her office.
He says it's illegal to contact the court psychiatrist and he won't be a party to it but if Brenda decides to do so on her own, he has no control over it.
He hands her the psychiatrist's contact and gives her a knowing smile.
Brenda smiles back.
Bright is having lunch at Sheila's house.
Brenda asks how his family is doing.
He says he misses them.
She asks if Amaka isn't too hard on him at work.
He says they don't interact a lot.
He asks her how Freddie is doing.
She tells him to talk to Freddie about moving back home.
Bright says he doesn't know.
Sheila says he came over the day before and she got the feeling he wanted to come back.
Bright is surprised.
He says he will try.
Serena and Sankey meet at work.
Serena says Brenda is still on edge.
Sankey tells her to keep an eye on Brenda.
Justin calls and asks if Sankey can come so they spend time together.
Sankey says she's busy.
Serena yells that Sankey is not busy and would be on her way.
Sankey tells her to call if anything happens.
Cleo and Bimpe meet with the makeup artist at Ziggy's.
Cleo gives him a nondisclosure agreement to sign.
Bimpe says it's not necessary.
The makeup artist signs.
Cleo says Bimpe needs to get to work soon so they need to start.
Brenda's lawyer asks if he should write a letter to the insurance company as they haven't paid her claims yet.
Brenda suggests they wait a little.
Brenda asks if they can stall on the first instalment that should be paid to Joanne.
The lawyer says it can be done but it will bring trouble as it means she will have a partner that thinks she Brenda plays dirty.
Freddie and Monica and in the hotel.
Monica says she knows Freddie won't have a problem testifying in her favour in court.
Freddie says he's a minor.
Monica says it doesn't matter.
Freddie asks if they will make him swear to tell the truth.
Monica says yes.
Freddie says he would rather not do it.
Monica says they will just ask him about her mental state.
Freddie says he doesn't want to have to lie in court.
Monica is shocked.
She says so it's true he really doesn't believe she's alright?
Her voice breaks.
Freddie apologises.
Monica tells him to leave since he's only sticking around to make sure she doesn't hurt herself.
She is crying.
Freddie says he doesn't want to leave.
Justin brings Sankey to a hotel room.
There are rose petals on the bed and dinner.
Justin says he wants to make the best use of their time.
Sankey assures him that he will survive the surgery.
Damini comes to see Aunty Abike in the hotel room.
She complains about Bimpe.
Damini says Bimpe is upset with him and it's only Aunty Abike that can help by moving back to Bimpe's place.
Aunty Abike says only on the condition that Bimpe forgives Damini.
Brenda comes to see Monica.
She tells Freddie to excuse them
Freddie refuses to leave but Monica tells to.
He reluctantly leaves the room.
Brenda gives Monica the contact details of the psychiatrist.
Monica doesn't collect it.
She says she won't call or bribe anybody.
Justin asks how Sankey and Brenda became friends.
Sankey says they got close after Angela died.
Justin leans closer to Sankey.
Sankey says she's not ready.
Justin says he wants them to have a baby.
Sankey is shocked.
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